We take all complaints seriously and are obligated to handle in the following way.
Stage 1:
Please supply the following information to info@nbustsainability.co.uk so that our team can investigate your complaint:
A case will be raised, and an investigation into your complaint will begin and we will acknowledge your complaint.
We will make every effort to fully address your complaint within 10 working days, more complicated issues may require longer, if this happens we will keep you informed and offer an extended estimated date of resolution.
Stage 2:
Your complaint may be resolved by one of several methods including but not limited to, a written apology, a goodwill gesture, or compensation:
Ofgem, the energy regulators website is https://www.ombudsman-services.org and it provides more information about the service they provide and the various ways they can be contacted as well as next steps.
The Ombudsman Service is provided once you have exhausted our complaints procedure and If you are not satisfied with our final response .
If your complaint is outstanding for more than 8 weeks then you have the option of referring your complaint to the Energy Ombudsman.
If you have received a ‘deadlock letter’, you can refer your complaint to the Energy Ombudsman as soon as we have issued the letter, but you will need to do this within 12 months of the date on the ‘deadlock letter’. The Energy Ombudsman is a free and independent service that can provide a further review of your complaint.
They will fully consider your case to check if we have done something wrong, and if so they can require us to put things right.
However, they may instead agree with the actions we’ve taken and require us to take no further action as the final resolution.
This would mean we wouldn’t be able to provide you with any previously offered resolution. While we must follow any actions requested by the Energy Ombudsman, you are not required to accept their decision.
T 0330 440 1624
T 0330 440 1600 (for text only)
E enquiry@ombudsman-services.org
W ombudsman-services.org/energy
Write to them at: Ombudsman Services, Energy, PO Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF We are not responsible for the content on their website.
Our ADR number is: C35NBSU01
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NB Sustainable Consultants Group Limited- All Rights Reserved.
Registered office: 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX
Company Number: 15009351
VAT Number: 446 4037 00
Ofgem ADR Number: C35NBSU01
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Email: info@nbsustainability.co.uk